Bestselling Tamil Story Book

Bestselling Tamil Story Book
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Monday, November 24, 2008


Valentine’s Day offers business, choice to identify the right boy or girl for life and above all the sweetest choice of falling in love. It offers an entire season with lovely options for both those seeking a little romance and the brokenhearted. Above all it is a season, to ponder about and to explore love!

What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails and puppy-dog tails’
And such are little boys made of.
What are young women made of?
Sugar and spice and all things nice,
And such are young women made of.

What all the world is made of ( 1820)

he poet must have had his tongue in his cheek while writing these words. It seeks to present a summary of the scientific data on sex differences along with the major social implications that follow from these differences.
Our channels of mass communications are increasingly overloaded with sex symbols. The marriage manual has replaced the slim volume of verse on the engaged girl’s reading list. The hero in our fiction and drama has given way to a scruffy character you might call the anti-hero. Love, the post Freudian generation may tell you, is what happens in Victorian novels and old movies on television. Love is for the squares. Yet we all know, in the secret hearts we so casually deny, that love, for young and old, is the ultimate salvation. All who have loved and been loved recognise the great enduring truths in classic love poetry. Love does add a precious seeing to the eye. Love does soften brutes and add grace to virtue. And love does bear it out even to the edge of doom.
The romantic tradition could be defined as an un-self-conscious respect for an emotional arrangement between a man and a woman, with each side happy to express the best of its own characteristics. Within the framework of this tradition, there is room, on the one hand, for gallantry, for the courtly gesture; on the other, for feminine reserve and demureness and calculative pretty ways.
People like to indulge in the discussion of a particularly virulent and dangerous form of divine madness called “ falling in love;” which is from a practical point of view, one of the most insane things you can do, or that can happen to you. In the eyes of the person in love, the boy or a girl can appear to be a god or goddess incarnate. Everything might remind them of his or her loved one. Once you get into it, it is something like contracting a chronic disease, and we sometimes try to resolve it by making it the basis of marriage.
When we go back to its origins in the Hebrew and Christian traditions, we find that the idea of marriage and the experience of falling in love are rather separate things. In early agrarian cultures, no one ever chose their marriage partner. Largely marriage was an alliance of families. It was contracted not simply for raising children, but also to create a social unit smaller than a village. The elders had an enormous voice in deciding whom their children were going to marry. They would dicker amongst themselves and use go-betweens in considering not only whether this girl was suitable for their son, or vice versa, but also what kind of dowry she would bring, and whether it would be advantageous to the families to form such an alliance. Of course, until quite recent times, these things were always important in marital affairs of royal families.
In the feudal conception of marriage there came what was called “ the Cult of Courtly Love,” which was largely a result of the poetic movement centred in southern France during the middle ages. According to one theory, the knight or courtly lover, who was also a poet, would select a lady to be his heart’s desire – preferably a married lady-and he would yearn for her, sing songs under her window, and send her messages with little tokens of his devotion. But according to this theory, he could never go to bed with her. Not only would that have been adultery, but also it would have spoiled the state of being in love. The state of being in love was always to be an unfulfilled and unhappy state.
Falling in love is not a mere sexual infatuation; it is a much more serious involvement. Falling in love is a thing that strikes like lightening and is therefore extremely analogous to the mystical vision. At the same time it is important to realise that falling in love is not same as love.
Interestingly we say, “Falling in love”, and not “rising into love.” Love is an act of surrender to another person; it is a total abandonment. In love you give yourself over, you let go and you say, “I give myself to you.”
To many people it is madness because it means letting things get out of control, and all sensible people keep things in control. Actually, the course of wisdom, what is sensible, is to let go, to commit oneself, to give oneself up; and this is considered quite mad. It is thus that we are driven to the strange conclusion that in madness lies sanity.
Everybody has different ideas about love; we are all like those blind men before an elephant. For some love is a happy emotion, for some others love is a happy emotion, for some it means sadness, for some it is possessiveness, for others it concerns materialistic aspects. Everyone does not look at love from the same perspective. Love cannot mean the same for two different individuals.
There are many contradictions in life. The same goes true for love. In the hyper paced life of people in these modern days particularly in the metros and the big cities, ‘I love you’ has become an empty and casual expression, almost like a punctuation that crops up mechanically without deep feelings or emotions.
The gestation period between meeting the partner and falling in love has drastically come down. Like instant coffee and noodles, in this age even love seems to happen instantly! It looks as if love existed only in the good old days and today it has gone out of people’s lives.
Despite this love is very much alive and kicking. Many would like to hold on to it and make all kinds of sacrifices for love. Percentages might have changed. But love is very much present in our midst.
Many people express the fear that as the world surges to the space age and a materialistic life, life will be snuffed out. On the contrary, I believe that love will emerge stronger as mankind makes more scientific and material progress. When you have everything to live for in life, you are still ready to die for true love that is reciprocated.
Some responsible elders feel happy to see the youth falling in love; it is a sign of maturation. They speak of all the great men and women whose names belong to the ages loved- mind, heart, body and soul. And they carried their love proudly, as an army carries its banners.
Even the men one would imagine incapable of a sensitive or delicate passion nevertheless loved. Jonathan Swift, sometimes called “the hangman of humanity,” put down his cruel pen and wrote to his beloved Stella in baby talk. Among Swift’s personal effects, found after his death, was a lock of hair, wrapped in a small scrap of paper on which he had scribbled “Only a woman’s hair.” Dr. Samuel Johnson was so devoted to his wife, Tetty ( an unattractive lady many years his senior), that long after her death he kept her wedding ring near him. Keats, dying of tuberculosis, desperately lonely but of the holiness of the heart’s affections, and the truth of imagination.”
The heart, as another poet has said, is never given out of the bosom in vain. Of all unrequited loves, one of the most touching was that of William Hazlitt, the eighteenth-century essayist, for a common lodging-house girl called Sarah. Though she accepted Hazlitt’s gifts, Sarah mocked and deceived. When finally she left him for another, his wound was deep and bitter. Still, not long afterward, he could write to a friend, “When I am dead, who will love her as I have done? When she is old, who will look in her face and bless her ?” Heartbreak comes, but wisdom lingers. Listen again to Hazlitt, this man who loved not wisely but well. “Perfect love has this advantage,” he wrote. “It leaves the possessor of it nothing further to desire.”
February 14th is celebrated as a day for love, exchange of gifts, promises of eternal passion, and more. It is not only for the boy-girl friendship and love; it is a day meant for all who love. The inspired pen poems inspired by their love and admiration for the women of their dreams while others just go to shops and buy commercially available verses. Mutual sympathy is also possible for the lonely youngsters in the website It also offers moments to retrospect and to love one’s own self. Valentine’s day is made so real by all these.
Today, Valentine’s Day is celebrated as a holiday in some countries honouring romance. Boys and girls no longer pick names out of a jar just as we read in ancient history, but instead exchange valentines with token messages of affection. In the tradition of Great Britain, children often exchange small sweets, while adult lovers give each other large cases of sweets and gifts.
While the exact origins of Valentine’s Day are slightly murky, there is no doubt that it is not just a holiday from the modern times. Instead, it is a chance to both honour the history and modernity of romance and affection.

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