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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Do Indians need to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

India is known for its culture and heritage. Indian families are known for their warmth and hospitality. In this context love has always had a much deeper meaning than a mere exchanging of flowers, candies and gifts.
In many parts of India when ‘love’ is spoken about, a stigma is always attached to it. It is more the western concept of love or rather the outward expressions that are loathed. Indian couples who imitate the westerners are not appreciated especially when it comes to ‘PDA’ i.e. public display of affection.
Similarly Valentine’s Day too is looked down upon by nationalist Indians because of the gross imitation of elements of western culture in its celebration. Further Valentine was not an Indian and he was a Christian.
In 2001, the violent protests by Hindu hardliners in the Indian capital failed to deter young lovers in urban India from celebrating Valentine’s Day. The nationalists would have every Indian supporting them in their moral policing against invasion of such a culture. But many of those who give themselves to celebrate Valentine’s day know that they are not just aping the west. They make it an occasion to celebrate their love relationship. In spite of protests from conservative factions the Valentine day celebrations have grown much larger.
Cultures are changing. They are never static. So too is the Indian culture. Valentine’s Day was never a part of Indian culture. It may be true that many youngsters misunderstand or undervalue Valentine’s Day as to be meant for unwarranted sexual involvement and promiscuity. Yet Valentine’s Day is an opportunity for each one to reaffirm one’s love. It needs to be taken in the right sense and not viewed as a day of PDA. In a democratic and secular country like ours people should have the right and freedom to choose and celebrate events such as the Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day celebration is a recent phenomenon in India but has caught the fancy of people to a great extent. Though some see it as a western import and hesitate to celebrate, there exist a large and growing number of those who love the feeling behind the beautiful and romantic festival.
Especially to the Indian youth February 14 signifies love, a day when people express their affection for others. Just as several other countries, people in India too celebrate the Valentine’s Day by exchanging cards and gifts to express their love.

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