Bestselling Tamil Story Book

Bestselling Tamil Story Book
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Let the beauty of human sexuality be part of our daily conversation!
In the ancient period the kings,warriors, yogis and all those whoaspired to master themselves were taught human anatomy and sexuality. This knowledge helped them to master themselves, to understand their power centres and to develop power from within. Some of the great ancient texts written in the East show how meticulously poets and men of wisdom have understood about human anatomy and sexuality and how they used it as a tool to attain perfection and to master spirituality.
Looking at the present educational system, one begins to wonder if it will facilitate men to rise above the daily trivial issues of life to a higher plane of wisdom, grace and love. Without a basic idea of our own bodies, our own sexuality and consciousness we have started probing into other bodies both on the earth and elsewhere in other planets. Man seems to be searching for meaning and power outside his own self. At the end of it he finds it easier to control external bodies than to control his inner egoistic tendencies.
There is only one power which can undermine egoism at the root, from within, and that is love and for married men, it is chiefly sexual love. The evil and falsity of egoism consist in ascribing absolute significance exclusively to oneself and denying it to others. Love compels us to recognise the absolute significance of another person for us. Through love we come to know the truth of another not in abstraction but in reality, and actually transfer the centre of our life beyond the confines of our self. In doing so we manifest and realise our own truth, our own absolute significance, which consists precisely in the power of transcending our physical existence and of living not in ourselves only but in another.
Man and his society are closely interdependent. Social institutions such as family and school impose their imprint early in the personality development of their members, who in turn tend to perpetuate the traditional pattern to which they have been moulded. It is the men and women in whom these patterns of attitude and behaviour have been incorporated who present the immediate resistance to social, economical, and political changes.
Thus prejudices, hostility of excessive self interest will disappear by helping the students to learn human sexuality.
In teaching sexuality we do not insist on the superiority of one sex over the other. Each has what the other has not; each completes the other; they are in nothing alike; and the happiness and perfection of both depend on each asking and receiving from the other what the other can give.
The actual problem of preventing children from sex education begins in the families. It seems typical for children to inquire about sex along with the myriads of other questions they ask about the world around them. Research has indicated that by about age four, most children begin asking questions about how babies are made. Yet this curiosity is often stopped short by parental response. Responses like, "wait till your father ( or mother ) comes home to ask that question," or " You are not old enough to learn about such things" are a few of the common ways by which communication in this vital areas is blocked before it has a chance to begin. Putting questions off at this early age means that you may be confronted with the potentially awkward task of starting a dialogue on sexual matters at a later period of your children’s development.
It can be helpful for parents to include information about sex and sexuality in everyday conversations. Questions like, "How do you feel about the changes in your body? What do your classmates speak about sex?" can expand their perception and broaden their vision of life.
Most young people prefer their parents be the primary source of sex information. Both mother and father have equal responsibility in imparting this information. A detailed treatise is not needed for a five year old child for the question, "Where did I come from?"
Some parents feel it inappropriate to tell their children that sexual interaction is pleasurable. Most people believe that sex education can itself cause problems, because the more children learn about sex, the more likely they are to experiment sexually.
Very few realise that knowledge about sexuality makes the children more secure and powerful. Learning sex and sexuality is never a liability. Instead, it helps them to explore the potentialities of human sexualities.

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