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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How to bring in variety Tips to nurture good and varied friendships

Variety is the spice of life. It is true also in the case of friendships. It does not mean that the old friends are forgotten and only the new ones are retained. There is a natural selection taking place when we decide who should be our friends. This takes place also when we meet people for the first time. Stratification is often done in any relationship keeping in mind the usefulness of a person to oneself and one’s personal development. Friendships cannot be retained merely by our inactive life. We miss much of life’s richness if we fail to take affirmative action to counteract the pressures that throw us only with . Here are some sure guides for people who would like to venture into variety in friendships:
Revamp that one layer guest list
There are families which cherish the diversity of their friends and guests. I can never forget the way Vasanthamma, a professor of Sociology department, Maharajas College, Mysore used to entertain students from all walks of life. There used to be a big band of students from Tibet, Tamilnadu, Kerala, African countries etc., They used to visit her after the class hours. I used to wonder how she enjoys the friendships of such a variety of people in her life and in the life of her family. Needless to say that these students also enjoyed her company. Apart from this the students also varied in their economic strata. That never mattered to her. In fact I had to meet all of them though personally I was a bit reserved. Today after her retirement, she keeps visiting those students who shared her vision in friendship. The students recall all the help she had done to all of them. There is an ever growing number of friends for Vasanthamma today. That is her strength.
Change worlds once a year
You can do this by taking a vacation in an out -of -the- way place Where you will be among people very different from yourself. I know a student who went from tamilnadu all the way to Mysore and earned good friends with his pleasant dealings. In spite of the Cauvery water dispute between Tamilnadu and Karnataka, he was enjoying the company of his companions. It is after you enjoy a good time you will begin to have a sigh of relief. You will never regret for having gone out of the way.
Join projects that cut across status lines
The simplest approach , perhaps is to become active in town politics, or in the solution of school problems, or in community fund raising projects, for these tend to be of concern to everyone. I know of many wives who have become part-time social workers, volunteers in order to broaden their personal horizons. Sudha Narayanamurthy is one of the examples for this. In fact while her husband could rise to stardom in one sense she could rise to equal heights by her social concern.
Revive the old-fashioned family parties
I’m for fewer cocktail parties and for more parties that bring together young and old for singing and festivities. Many informal gatherings bring you closer to people. Traditional and old-fashioned parties have this magic of bringing people together and unifying them. In course of time, even the worst of enemies become friends. The closer you go the better you will feel to relate to people. More chances of such parties will help you build a wider network and will bring you closer to many friends.
There is a joy in newness. There is happiness in finding something new. The same is also applicable for friendship. The newer the friends the better will be the closeness you will have with him/her. This helps people who would like to embark on a new course of action in their life. Try this and enjoy the variety and richness of the friendship which is available in all its variety and richness.

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